Become an Artist Member
Membership Guidelines
CCAL members include amateur to professional, new, emerging & established artists who are Wyoming or Montana residents. All ages, skill levels and mediums are welcome to apply. Applications are reviewed upon receipt and notification of your membership status will be emailed to you. If you would prefer to sign up in person, we invite you to stop by the gallery. Membership runs January to December.
In addition to opportunities to display and sell artwork, members receive a discount on workshop and class fees, regular newsletter updates, featured artist spotlight opportunities, a higher commission rate for their artwork and can connect with existing and potential new clients at our events. We keep connected with our members through those events, the website and email newsletters as well as the Annual Membership Meeting.
Please call to arrange a time to bring your application along with samples or your artwork to the gallery. You may also submit your applications and images by email to art@codycountryartleague.com or through USPS. Mail to Cody Country Art League, 836 Sheridan Ave., Cody, WY 82414
For current 2023 CCAL Members:
Membership Renewals are due by the end of January. NEW this year is the option to renew online! Please review Membership Policies and either print out the renewal form and W-9 to send or drop off at the Art League or feel free to renew online using the tab below. Online renewals are only for members whose status has not lapsed. If you are uncertain if your membership status is current, please give us a call or email to confirm. If your membership was not renewed in 2023, please see the New Member Application form and begin again.
The following are brief descriptions of our main components and functions:
These include the: Gallery, Workshops, Special Events, Outreach, Annual Show, Volunteers, Membership, Facilities, Structure & Operation and History.
This is the backbone of the organization and provides a place for our members to sell their artwork year round.
Located next to the Cody Country Visitor Center, a large portion of their 100,000-plus yearly visitors also come through our doors and many of these drop in on us again during their next visit. Additionally, local and regional people have come to know CCAL as the go-to place to purchase quality, unique and handmade artwork.
These are the key part of our education efforts and are open to the public.
They cover a wide gamut of the Visual Arts and feature nationally known instructors as well as some of our very talented local and regional ones.
Special Events
Connecting our members, the community, and visitors from the region and beyond.
Many are timed to coincide with area promotions and holidays to increase public exposure to our members' artwork. There are also a diverse range of other events from unique fundraisers to artist demonstrations at our gallery or out in the community.
This involves our efforts to bring art to underserved areas by partnering with organizations specializing in those areas.
We exist in an area with a diverse range of demographics and are relatively isolated from the levels of cultural opportunities and support capabilities available in typical large metropolitan communities. We partner with or otherwise assist existing organizations in providing visual art experience where needed.
These consist of a two-room gallery, a separate classroom and a storage area.
The main gallery floor easily supports exhibits of over 150 paintings of varying sizes. In addition, a multitude of other types of artwork are displayed using shelving and reconfigurable panels. The later allow optimal arrangement to meet individual show needs. The other smaller room has similar display options. Our expanded classroom is 46' x 21' and can easily accommodate classes of 20 or more.
We are a 501c3 non-profit organization pertaining to the visual arts. We are governed by a board of directors and operate with limited staff.
Our funding relies on donations, membership dues and a percentage of Gallery sales as well as grants and additional sponsorships. Operation is guided by the Vision, Mission and Objectives statements laid out by the Board in support of the visual arts.
CCAL was established in 1964 and located in the former Buffalo Bill Museum on Sheridan Avenue in downtown Cody, Wyoming.
We are a culmination of the “impossible dream realized through the benevolence of a progressive community” and particularly by our founding members, which include Mr. & Mrs. Paul Stock, Dr. Harold McCracken, the Nielsen family, Mrs. Doris May and the Coe Family, to name just a few.
Annual Show
This is our flagship event and is open to all visual artists living in the United States (members and non-members alike).
This is a non-juried show with the number of entries limited only by our display capacity. Entries are categorized by media type & skill level (professional/amateur/youth) and should be family friendly. All are judged and awards are provided through the generosity of our donors. The show is held during the very height of our visitor season providing a large number of viewers.
Supplying the behind-the-scenes work that keeps us going, these indeed are our “League of Extraordinary Members”.
Their efforts support almost every aspect of our activities and have allowed us to undertake a number of special improvement projects. They are vital to our continuance & success and we are so very thankful to have them.
Members are encouraged to volunteer.

Artist Success Stories & Testimonials
Some of our nationally known current and prior members:
M. C. Poulsen, George D. Smith, Mel Fillerup, Ann Hanson, Jeff & Polly Frost, Lucille Patrick, and Ty Barhaug.
Exhibitions and sales that some of these artists have participated in include one or more of the following:
Autry Museum, Booth Museum, Center of the West Art Show and Sale, Eiteljorg Quest for the West Art Show and Sale, The C.M.Russell Auction and Sale, and The Museum of Wildlife Art
"The Cody Country Art League is a more unique art community than most art leagues in that it is so closely associated with the world class Buffalo Bill Center of the West. The Art League has an annual draw of tourists and a large number of successful, professional painters, authors, sculptors and photographers willing to teach workshops that generate interest among the youth, adults, retired or handicapped part of the community. The community support for the arts in general is laudatory to say the least. Music, dance, crafts and the visual arts are well supported and provides a host of willing volunteers.
Those that direct the affairs of the Art League are knowledgeable and dedicated community members whose appreciation for the arts enhances the quality of the community. I have been associated with them for several years and have felt of their encouragement for myself and fellow artists in and beyond the immediate area. Thank you for the opportunity to express my total support and confidence in the efforts of The Cody Country Art League and talented staff."
— E. Denny NeVille
"The Cody Country Art League is the place where I started my art career. I entered a painting of my father in the Cody Art League Show in the early 1970's. My painting won best of show and my father bought the painting for $200. I could pay my bills and my rent, back then the dollar stretched way farther than today, and I felt like I could do this as a living.
Fast forward over 40 years. My career has been successful. I was able to support my family and raise my children through art. I supported the Cody Art League and encouraged young artists to show their paintings there. The Cody Country Art League is more than just a place to show art. It is multifaceted. The annual art show helps emerging artists who want to become professional. There is no other venue in our community for this. It has been an educational entity where I as well as other professional artists teach classes to those interested in pursuing an art carer. It is supported by these artists who owe their start to the Art League. It has a broad community love and support. Many volunteer their time, talents and energy it making this entity work, It would be a shame to lose such an important part of Cody history The Arts are an integral part of our human lives. In a time when the schools are cutting back on the arts and music in our school's entities like the Art League become more not less important. Art and music integrate the right and left hemispheres of the brain helping children learn better and faster. Our Art League teaches classes for young students as well. I can't tell you how passionate I am about this huge part of our town and what it does for us. Please support something so important."
— Mike Poulsen
"I started my professional art career in 1985 and one of the first places I exhibited my work was at the Cody Country Art League. Venues like this are so valuable to artists in all stages of their careers, but especially when they are starting out. Workshops, competitive shows and sales venues are all available through Cody Country Art League. It is an irreplaceable asset and support for artisans in our area."
— Ann Hanson